S2E4 - Overcoming the Unknown

Season #2

How can I learn to navigate a world so fraught with uncertainty and doubt?

Is it possible that with faith, you're actually able to come out the other side smelling of smoke but not burnt?

Welcome back to the UNDER THE RUG podcast! Today, we are talking all things FAITH and UNCERTAINTY. Those of you who have followed my story will know that my life has been nothing if not riddled with uncertainty! A relationship outside family approval, the moving from continent to continent, falling pregnant at a young age in a foreign country with no safety net, battles with mental health, and the list continues.

With this episode, I hope to showcase ways to live confidently in a world of uncertainty. I want to demonstrate the power of living by faith, which gives you the strength to continue forward when everything life throws at you leaves you dazed, confused or even battling with depression, anxiety, PTSD or suicidal thoughts.

You might be thinking, 'If you live by faith, then God is your crutch.'

Well, I would rather walk through life with a crutch, than not be able to walk at all. Just listen to the stories for yourself. Then decide.


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Check out the last episode, FORGIVENESS Leads to Freedom 

If anything we have touched on in today's episode has spurred you to want to learn more about my journey, buy a copy of 'The Orange Hue' here


If you have been impacted by anything discussed in this series, please seek help. Do not face it alone.

For crisis support or suicide prevention:

AUS - Lifeline 13 11 14

UK - National Suicide Prevention Helpline 0800 689 5652

USA - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255


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